There's much to see here. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us. We hope you enjoy our site and take a moment to drop us a line.
First of all the information contained here is absolutely FREE. We are Not asking you for anything other than a bit of your time which could immensely benefit your Life and the lives of your friends and family.
The subject of this page of my Website is entitled "WELLNESS".
The meaning of Wellness is Not simply the absence of disease....No it is the presence of bountiful, robust and vibrant HEALTH.
The type of "Wellness" that I am referring to can be much easier to achieve than you might think. I am going to relate a personal message of my own journey to "Wellness" and how I set out on this Goal. This is a topic that I have been studying for a number of years but in June of 2017 I made the decision that knowledge can be useless if it is not put into action. I have been suffering to a gradually increasing amount as the years passed with hip pain, initially on one side then on both as the arthritis progressed. I absolutely refuse to take pharmaceutical prescription medication or even over the counter drugs. Every single pharmaceutical drug on the market today is toxic to the human body to various extents. There are a number of very well done documentaries by gifted and credible physicians and scientists who have seen the light, and study after study has shown how a "Plant Based-Whole Food" lifestyle can arrest and in most cases reverse Heart Disease, Diabetes, Arthritis and in fact nearly all Chronic Diseases.
In all good conscience, I can not simply talk-the-talk without walking-the-walk so I made the decision in the middle of June 2017 to phase in to a plant based lifestyle change and to discontinue ALL Animal based products. To make the transition a little more palatable it made sense to me as I removed something on one side of the food ledger that was Health Disrupting, I would then Add something on the other side that was Health Beneficial.
If you do not have the wrong type of food in your home or apartment, there is a much less chance of being tempted. When I had my last slice of toasted bread, I simply did not purchase any more at the grocery store. I added a fresh fruit or vegetable smoothie each day since. One for one. Take something away, add something in. After a week or so I then phased down on meat, chicken pork etc to a very small less than an once portion and added a large green salad on the other side.
Then I made a big step. I literally gave away every single piece of meat that was in my freezer and made room for frozen fruits and vegetables of all description.
Now in just about three weeks I had transitioned to a "Plant Based-Whole Food" Lifestyle that was actually amazingly easy. The benefits started to show in just a matter of days. By September 24th 2017 the arthritis pain in both hips was reduced by more than 85%. I dropped 21 pounds in weight so far and the best part was that there was a feeling of exuberance and wellness that is very hard to describe. I had so much energy that I felt that I just needed to get outside in the fresh air and exercise and drink in Life.
I bought a brand new 21 speed Hybrid Bike and a trainer mechanism that can hook to the rear axle and allow indoor riding on days where the weather is not conducive to outside trips. This, I firmly believe will take me to the 100% pain free and an even lower weight.
I turned 69 years old in July of 2017 and here in just September of 2017 I feel like I was 19 again.
I recently texted my Niece to say that I felt like a shiny "New Penny" but that I must be a Slow learner since it has taken me 69 years to figure out this Wellness Life Style. She quipped back that she did not think that I was a slow learner but rather that I might be an Israelite since they wandered in the desert for 40 years for what should have been an 11 day journey. It was her way of saying that we all get off track at times in the journey of Life but the more important thing is that we discover the True Meaning.
We as consumers have been given so much false information during our life especially on the important issue of Health and diseases that it is no wonder people are confused. Something that I find most disturbing is when someone like the famous Dr. Robert Atkins and his so called healthy weight loss diet "The Atkins Diet" purported that loosing weight required his patients to eat a high fat animal based regime with low carbohydrates thus forcing the body to in effect burn fat and utilize a ketogenic process so that the body and the brain would run on ketones. Yes our bodies having the resilient design that they do can burn ketones on a temporary basis but the fuel of choice and for health is glucose. When we examine the damage that a high fat animal based diet can do to the human metabolism it makes what Dr. Atkins did to the general public (possibly to sell more of his diet books) quite suspect.
There are many modern day diets for the public to choose from. Several versions of the "Paleo" diet are surfacing, one of which is supported by Dr. Loren Cordain. His approach also suggests to the consumer to ingest animal based products and cooked meats along with eggs. Yes they do suggest some vegetables and fruits but not grains. Is this diet really so very different from the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) ? And how has that worked out ?
It is not that difficult folks. Just keep it simple. Forget about high fat vs low fat and high protein vs low protein and high carbohydrate vs low carbohydrate and all the hype in the marketplace. If you simply eat Plant Based, whole foods in the form of vegetable, fruit, seeds, nuts and beans with as much organic raw that you can with a focus on dark leafy greens with a base for the meal being "starch" based vegetables such as sweet potatoes, organic wild rice, corn or potatoes your body and mind will be nourished with those macro-nutrients and micro-nutrients that our creator has designed for us. STOP ALL oil. No Oil (Olive, canola, vegetable etc.) and STOP ALL animal based foods (meat, dairy, eggs & any of their derivatives.)
I am witnessing the benefits of this lifestyle approach every single day with much positive reinforcement and absolutely NO negative side effects.
Please do not believe anything that I may spew forth without first doing your own investigative research first. A good place to start are any of the excellent clips, testimonials, and documentaries that have been provided for you absolutely FREE-of-Charge further down this page.
If even one person that reads this testimonial and heeds the words and watches the Videos that are provided for FREE then actually turns their life around, then this effort will have all been worthwhile for me.
As a Health disclaimer I must state that I am not a physician or medical expert and that each individual embarking on any lifestyle or medical change should consult with a licensed professional medical practitioner first. Please NOTE that it is very important for anyone who is on blood pressure medication or diabetes medication to have your levels monitored very closely since a plant based diet can lower naturally these and other levels. You do NOT want to overshoot when you are still taking pharmaceuticals that are serving double duty.
That being said, please watch any of the wonderfully enlightening videos by those in the know that are highlighted here. THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE.
In my humble opinion they are some of the Best of the Best.
If this Website reaches only 2 individuals and effects a positive change in their life and each of those two people reach only two more each then the geometric progression that could potentially be reached could be astronomical.
Folks , we can not rely on the interests of big business or government to correct the Health situation that has occurred around the world in a trickle down effect; NO we must as citizens of the world start a "Grass Roots Movement" from the Ground Up to effect the necessary positive change that we all seek for ourselves and our families.
Won't you be one of the two that improve your Lifestyle from the information found on this Website?
Feel free to email me anytime with your own thoughts and personal testimonials on this or any other subject on this Website.
I can be reached at
Thank YOU so much for coming here to view these amazing Videos. Best of luck to each and every one of you who are embarking on this wonderful "Lifestyle Change"
Barry Howard Begley
Coming Soon
The General Public has been falsely led to believe that the Giant Medical Industrial Complex which includes “Big Pharma” and “Big Med” and now must also include “Big Food” have discovered that there are in excess of 12,500 separate distinct chronic human diseases.
Can you even begin to imagine the enormous boon to their financial bottom line? Just think ……. a different pharmaceutical drug for each and every disease or a different complex procedure for each and every ailment.
Ask yourself; how is your overall health or the health of your family or for that matter the general health of the nation or society as a whole? Do you personally know anyone over say the age of 30 who is not on some type of medication (whether prescription or over-the-counter)? Disease today is more rampant than ever before. More and more people are succumbing to the ravagers of Heart Disease, Cancer and diabetes per ca-pita than was the case 100 years ago. If the Medical establishment was doing such a great job would these diseases not be vanquished by now?
After being on a mission since 2006 in an effort to find the root of the problem to our health and pouring over literally thousands of health documents and studies and documentaries and cases and techniques my distillation of Chronic Disease is as follows:
It is the disease of “CELL BREAKDOWN”
The commonality of every single chronic disease is that there occurs cellular malfunction and breakdown. Yes, this malfunction comes with a myriad of symptoms depending on where and how the malfunctioning cells are located but non-the-less it still boils down to “cell breakdown.”
Instead of looking at chronic disease as “Symptom based”, we ought to be looking at chronic disease as to the “Cause”, for if we know the cause we are well on our way to the treatment and reversal of the disease.
If we look at ALL chronic Disease known to man, each disease has manifested at the cellular level due to the cells becoming “Toxic” and/or the cells were “Deficient” in suitable nutrients.
It is that simple!
If we can push the Toxins out from the body and Flood the trillions of cells with Nutritional Excellence this amazing self-repairing mechanism designed by our Creator will attempt to reverse the illness and bring us back to a full and robust health.
This understanding and modality is either “Not Known” by the Medical Establishment or else it is “Not Practiced”. Either way, YOU the reader and in the larger picture Society in general have been harmfully “Short Changed”.
I could cite literally thousands of case studies of individuals who were given up by the current Medical Establishment as a lost cause and sent home to die that have had their lives saved by this commonsense holistic approach and had their mind/body/spirit brought back into a state of Homeostasis (in balance) with natures ways. Only a few enlightened medically trained physicians have broken away from the established protocols to find wonderful success in treating their patients in this fashion. My hat is off to those very rare and compassionate health care professionals.
People, you might be wise in halting the practice of “Outsourcing” your precious health and wellbeing for others to FIX and start studying how to Detoxify and Nourish your one and only Physical/Emotional/Spiritual being.
If YOU do not fix it, where will you live?
May God Bless You
Barry Howard Begley
Keep an open mind and take a look at what this PhD tells what was done to her.
Please watch this clip.
This story is from a woman with a 3 year old child and what the child and the family went through with conventional cancer treatment only to have the child sent home to die when all of the standard approaches failed.
The research effort that the mother put in to finding a natural plant based approach is truly enlightening. If you or any one you know is facing Cancer please show them this video. It may just provide another direction that could be most beneficial.
Here is the link for you. Good luck !
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